There were 23 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in May 2024 Nature – Pelican Award

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Superb Fairy-wren
Neville Bartlett – First Place
Advanced EDI Colour – Nature

Allen Skilton – First Place
Photographer EDI Colour – Nature

Saying Hello
Malcolm Godde – First Place
Advanced EDI Monochrome – Nature

Down To The River To Drink
Joanna Rath – First Place
Photographer EDI Monochrome -Nature

Sand Trails
Patsy Cleverly – Second Place
Advanced EDI Colour – Nature

Apostle Bird Central West
Leanne Wheaton – Second Place
Photographer EDI Colour – Nature

Three toed Sloth
David Woolcock – Second Place
Advanced EDI Monochrome – Nature

Morning Magpie
Glenn Rose – Second Place
Photographer EDI Monochrome -Nature

In the button grass
Jill Hancock – Merit
Advanced EDI Colour – Nature

Red Eyed Tree Frog
David Woolcock – Merit
Advanced EDI Colour – Nature

Early Bird catches the Bug
Kaye Kennedy – Merit
Advanced EDI Colour – Nature

Creature From The Black Lagoon
David Willis – Merit
Advanced EDI Colour – Nature

Rapid Tongue Action
Wendy Slater – Merit
Advanced EDI Colour – Nature

Cradle Of Light
Mark Slater – Merit
Advanced EDI Colour – Nature

Nature’s Window
Joanna Rath – Merit
Photographer EDI Colour – Nature

Worshipping the Sun
Bill Thompson – Merit
Photographer EDI Colour – Nature

A giant of Buffalo
David Skinner – Merit
Advanced EDI Monochrome – Nature

Japanese macaque
Jill Hancock – Merit
Advanced EDI Monochrome – Nature

Light In The Reeds
David Willis – Merit
Advanced EDI Monochrome – Nature

Im Watching You
Debbie Shepherd – Merit
Advanced EDI Monochrome – Nature

Fast Water
Patsy Cleverly – Merit
Advanced EDI Monochrome – Nature

Vision is Secondary
Leanne Wheaton – Merit
Photographer EDI Monochrome -Nature

Great Eastern Egret
Allen Skilton – Merit
Photographer EDI Monochrome -Nature